Building, Paphos, Area: Mouttalos, Price: € 750 000, ID:1834

This project is a multi-storey building (two floors and roof garden), built on top of another pre-existing building. The skeleton frame of the building is already built, and all the necessary approvals have been received (Building permits, Planning permits, CTO permit for a restaurant, Fire department permit). The two floors and an unconstructed conjoined plot add up to 2300 square metres.The conjoined 425 square metres plot is available for a four or five storey structure as it is established as a part of the main building and again has all the necessary approvals. The second floor of the building has been planned to be used as a restaurant/cafe along with the roof garden which as you can see in the attached pictures, has an exceptional view. The second-floor restaurant has a capacity of 326 square metres, with an additional 136 square metres available for the owner's use. The roof garden is an additional 400 square metres.The structure is placed between three large parking areas. It is also located 30 metres away from the main bus station of the area. In addition to this, the building is right in the centre of commercial life. 
Country: Cyprus
Area: Mouttalos
City: Paphos
Type: Building
Stage: New
Total views: 236
Sale: € 750 000
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